1662 the birth of racism

James VanElls
3 min readMay 19, 2022


I was talking to my wife about when racism started. She gave me the look she gives when I say I’m doing dishes.

But I know this one and I didn’t make it up!

Whiteness was born in the United States in the mid-1600s by philosophers like Francois Bernier. In 1619 he wrote about the savagery of Africans and the justice of keeping them in bondage not just for a term but for life. Then, like today, ideas took some time to take hold. In 1662 any child born to an enslaved woman would also be a slave. This was the first time the concept of slavery was tied to biological status anywhere in the world. Remember all those memes about how “The Irish were slaves too!”? There were indentured servants of all races who were freed upon the end of their term. Elsewhere there were prisoners of war and other captured combatants who became servants. But this new biological structure was American.

Cutting edge 1600s biology

So there you have it. Race and racism were born in the United States in 1662 when Virginia decided black people were a different species than white people.

Well, there’s one more thing. This topic didn’t come from nowhere.

Amy and I were talking about the recent racist violence. The most recent guy, from Buffalo, did a whole manifesto about his well thought-out reasons. (You know I’m not linking to any of that) His manifesto followed a similar pattern.

Just hitting on some of the bigger, more memorable recent attacks, there was somebody who killed 77 in Norway in 2011, somebody killed 6 in California in 2014, somebody killed 9 in South Carolina in 2015, somebody killed 23 in Texas in 2019, and somebody killed 51 in New Zealand in 2019. They killed 166. Plus Buffalo makes 176 people who died by killers who shared manifestos that all sounded the same.

They all have two basic points they want to make over, and over, and over again.

  1. White people are failing to reproduce and create families. Immigration will subvert nations, destroy communities, and decimate culture
  2. White people are smarter, more creative, and more successful than other races because they are superior.

You notice that the 1st voice is one of weakness, panic, and victimhood. The 2nd voice is one of strength, courage, and superiority.

White folks balancing strength and victimhood

Remember, Bernier talked about how whiteness is “inherently and obviously better” and that white deserve to have “ownership of the earth”. If that’s not true, there can be two reasons. Either white supremacy isn’t true or someone else is taking from you.

The General Social Survey gives us some answer.

Black people 2X more likely than white people to say we should spend more to help Black people
  • 23% of white Americans think they’re smarter than Black people
  • 30% of white American think Black people just don’t have the motivation to get out of poverty
  • 56% of white Americans think a less-qualified Black peer would be promoted before them

About 1 in 3 white Americans holds view in line with these shooters. 50mm white Americans are stockpiling weapons, consuming propaganda, and preparing for a coming race war they’ve been promised. And sometimes, like in Buffalo, they get impatient.



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